You are here: Symbol Reference > Dew Namespace > Dew.Math Namespace > Dew.Math.Units Namespace > Classes > Probabilities Class > Probabilities Methods > ErlangCDFInv Method > Probabilities.ErlangCDFInv Method ([In] TDenseMtxVec, int, double, [In] TDenseMtxVec)
Dew Math for .NET
Probabilities.ErlangCDFInv Method ([In] TDenseMtxVec, int, double, [In] TDenseMtxVec)

Erlang PPF (vectorized).

Visual Basic
public static void ErlangCDFInv([In] TDenseMtxVec P, int k, double Lambda, [In] TDenseMtxVec Res);
[In] TDenseMtxVec P 
Defines distribution probabilities, real vector or matrix with values within closed interval [0,1]. 
int k 
Defines distribution shape parameter. k must be a positive integer. 
double Lambda 
Defines distribution rate parameter. Lambda must be a positive value. 
[In] TDenseMtxVec Res 
After calculation stores the PPF calculated from P, k and Lambda. Length and Complex properties of Res are adjusted automatically to match Length and Complex properties of P. 
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